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A member registered Nov 22, 2017

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(1 edit)

Hey! First of all, thank you so much for taking part in this amazing project ♡

but, I need to tell you, the script used by the team can only include your game if the post only contains the url and no other words

click on this link above, and click on: "Buy all for $5.00", then a box will open with the list of available games, in addition to the possibility for you to contribute with a higher amount (minimum is 5 dollars but, you can always put an extra one :3)

PS: You need a credit card or a Paypal account

Hey! First of all, thank you so much for taking part in this amazing project! ♡

but, I need to tell you, the script used by the team can only include your assets if the post only contains the url and no other words!

Ohh..... I was wondering why it hasn't been added yet ♧-♧, thanks for the explanation nsosa S2

S2 S2 S2

(1 edit)

Red Trees is a wonderful game!
The dialogue between Artemis and the citizens is a lot of fun and sometimes quite impactful, both the description of the key items and the background objects are hilarious, the songs adapt very well to the scenes, and the graphic is very cute!
Thanks so much for this awesome game! :3


Red Trees é um jogo maravilhoso!
O diálogo entre Artemis e os cidadãos é muito divertido e algumas vezes bastante impactante, tanto a descrição dos "key items" quanto dos objetos de fundo são hilárias, as músicas se adaptam muito bem aos cenários, e o gráfico é muito fofo!
Muito obrigado por esse jogo incrível! :3